The 13th annual Pharmaceutical Resource Planning and Portfolio Management conference explored industry standards for resource planning and governance processes as well as identifying new ways to maximize portfolio value.
When planning resources for a project, a resource’s time available is seldom 5-days-a-week, 8-hours-a-day of continuous productive work. So a task which in the absolute should take 10 days to perform will, in the real world, take a bit (or a lot) longer.
The Planisware team is pleased to announce the release of Orchestra 7.0, which combines a new user experience along with increased efficiency features - improving the adoption of Orchestra for all users.
What should a good Innovation Project Manager do in this innovate or die world? At our recent PPM Best Practices tour in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in partnership with MI-GSO | PCUBED, speakers highlighted the different techniques, processes, and frameworks, along with the teams required for successful innovation project management.
Munich, November 19, 2019: Leading PPM manufacturer Planisware is successfully upgrading a large German car manufacturer on its latest version Planisware Enterprise 6.3.
Cross-functional planning streamlines the management of complex projects, reducing the risk of costly executional errors and increasing the odds of success. Still, many organizations hesitate to put cross-functional planning into action. Why? Here are the top 5 objections we hear.