
David Pereira is a passionate Product Leader with over 15 years of experience working with Agile teams and Product Management. His journey has been filled with challenges as he learned the intricacies of leading teams to deliver value.

Through numerous failures, David has discovered what strategies are effective and which ones aren't. This is why he is so passionate about sharing the knowledge he wishes he had at the beginning of his career. When he writes, he envisions advising his younger self, pondering, "What would have been beneficial to me during that phase of my journey?".

David's mission is to assist product teams in delivering REAL value more rapidly and to help them realize their full potential. As such, he aids companies and teams in navigating and overcoming the various challenges they face.

He has garnered experience across various sectors, including the automobile, public, trade marketing, and e-commerce sectors Moreover, he has worked in multiple countries, ranging from Brazil to Germany.

David is a self-employed Product Leader and Coach, dedicated to helping teams thrive by streamlining their operations. Every day, he commits himself to assisting companies in distinguishing themselves in the realm of product management.

Currently, he is focused on bringing innovation to the maritime industry. As the CEO of omoqo GmbH, David is dedicated to fostering an environment where groundbreaking ideas can come to fruition.

David Pereira - LinkedIn

David Pereira - Website

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