Eric Schueztler, Senior Director of Global Commercialization for Beam Suntory, describes the change management plan put in place to ensure seamless, organization-wide user adoption of new processes and the Planisware Enterprise solution.
Eric Schuetzler, Senior Director of Global Commercialization for Beam Suntory, explains how Planisware Enterprise has been the key to streamline the company's portfolio, improve internal processes, get products to market faster and eventually increase project delivery by 18% without impacting headcount.
Franz Schürmann, Portfolio Analysis & Reporting for Syngenta's Global R&D, discusses the challenges of Portfolio Management in the Crop Science sector, and why Planisware has become a strategic partner of Syngenta.
Read about a leading German car manufacturer's successful version change to the current release (6.3) of Planisware Enterprise. The number of managed projects is 120,000 and the number of registered users is 16,000.