eBook showcases ten essential, plug-and-play dashboards that empower PMOs to streamline project management, prioritize resources, and make data-driven decisions for impactful results.
“The PMOs in today’s enterprises have a new opportunity — to help the domains they support adapt to the needs of the enterprises they serve.” - 2021 Strategic Roadmap for the PMO, Gartner
When considering possible improvements to the management of the R&D portfolio, three questions are often raised: How can we improve innovation processes? How should we evaluate the productivity and ROI of R&D? And what should we do to improve them? Watch this interview with Steve Toton to learn about how such questions were tackled by DuPont, and why the company chose Planisware to support their processes.
The PMO might have more superpowers than you originally thought! Aimee Rodriguez delved into this often overlooked strength of the PMO on the PMO strategies podcast and we thought we'd flesh out a few of her points a little more.