- Time tracking data is the lifeblood for any organization and those who utilize it effectively will stand out from the rest of the crowd. By adding your data into your PPM tool, it will unlock a new AI powered avenue towards forecasting for the future.
- A detailed logical outline for where to go next with your time tracking "
Where Does the Time Go?
In the world of project management, what you don't know can hurt you.
Do you know how much time your activities really take? If you don't keep track, chances are you can't see:
- Repeated overallocations, which tie up valuable resources
- Habitual underallocations, which create opportunities for overspend and delay
- Real task and project status: are inaccurate estimates putting delivery deadlines or budget at risk?
Identifying these situations could improve project outcomes significantly, and that only scratches the surface of the benefits that accurate time tracking can bring to your organization.
However, reporting time is often viewed as a time sink in its own right: a poor choice of tool or inefficient placement with respect to other systems can create unnecessary overhead for users, leading to poor compliance and data quality. So, how do you capture time without losing it in the process — and put that data to work?
Download to explore how tracking time in your PPM system can help report time, refine project forecasts, and improve visibility for everyone involved.