Learn about the benefits of switching from a single schedule to a set of interconnected plans, and the key best practices to building them.
What if we were to tell you that you’ve been getting the scheduling of your large, complex projects wrong all this time? That instead of a single, detailed schedule, you should be using a hierarchy of interconnected schedules? That you could enable better, faster decision making for all your stakeholders by tailoring the complexity of the planning information you provide them?
Since we are not sure you would believe us 🙃, we invited Jeremie Averous, author of the Advanced Scheduling Handbook for Project Managers, to explain why he most often recommends implementing multiple schedules when managing large, complex projects. In this 45 minute webinar (20 min presentation + 25 min Q&A), Jeremie will share his best practices for designing (and maintaining) schedules that work, including:
- Why a single, detailed schedule is not such a good idea
- What his preferred breakdown is (sneak peek at the end of this page!), and the characteristics of each type of schedule
- Why it’s crucial to develop schedules from the top down and update the schedule from the bottom-up
- How to maintain them to optimize the piloting of your project

Registrants to the webinar will receive a copy of the first chapter of Jeremie’s book, the Advanced Scheduling Handbook for Project Managers, and live participants will enter into a draw to win a full copy of the book.