
Kai Ojo joined Planisware in 2016 when he was appointed CEO of Planisware UK & Ireland.

Prior to leading the development of Planisware in the UK and Ireland as CEO of the region, Kai gained over 20 years of experience working in start-up, mid-sized and large-scale tech companies all operating on a global scale. He started his career at Teradyne Diagnostic Solutions (later SPX Diagnostic Solutions) working as a software engineer from 2000-2003, project manager from 2003-2005, product manager from 2005-2006 and programme manager from 2006-2009.

Afterwards, he was appointed the Head of Professional Services and Support at V1, a company specialising in cloud-enabled software, holding this post from 2009-2013. He then worked as Operations Director and VP Operations at Hydra Management, another cloud-enabled PPM and PSA software provider, before joining Planisware in 2016.

He holds an MBA in General Management from Lancaster University and a Bachelor of Engineering with Honours from the University of Salford. Kai is also the Chair of the Industry Advisory Board at Salford University Business School.

Panelist events

Planisware UK Exchange23 in Manchester

We are excited to welcome our Planisware clients to the first customer conference in the UK! The event will take place on Tuesday 19th September, bringing the Planisware community together for one day in Manchester.

303 Deansgate, Cloud23, Manchester, M3 4LQ
Find out more