Saint-Gobain R&D teams working for the construction businesses as well as the Corporate Innovation team needed a system to replace obsolete in-house developed tools that were difficult to maintain and were seen as not user friendly. This new system would be an opportunity to unify its R&D processes while respecting business specificities, allowing later rollout to other R&D entities or functions (global engineering, marketing, …). Saint-Gobain turned to Planisware in 2018 to help integrate its innovation management and drive efficiency.


Planisware Orchestra

Adaptive Project Management at its best
Portfolio management to project execution
A turnkey cloud solution to quickly streamline your project decision-making, foster collaboration and ensure best practice across your whole organization.

Planisware Enterprise

Strategic Portfolio Management at scale
Advanced portfolio and project delivery
Built to capture your strategy, align your portfolio, execute your projects, accelerate your products to market, and co-ordinate your teams efficiently.