In this short animation film, Airbus illustrates the challenges of coordinating complex new product development programs and the rationale behind the development of its Unified Planning tool.
A recording of a roundtable discussion featuring PPM practitioners and thought leaders. Here they share their expertise and best practices on strategic portfolio management related to organizations in the life sciences industry.
A roundtable discussion recoding featuring PPM practitioners and thought leaders. Here they share their expertise and best practices on change management related to organizations in the life sciences industry.
In this interview, Dr. Ken Huskins presents the key aspects of integrated roadmaps, and explains why they should be an integral part of companies’ strategy.
Dr. Kenneth Khan, professor & Snr Associate Dean at the School of Business at Virginia Commonwealth University offers his perspective on the NPD best practices landscape.
How to get started with Agile? What skills should you look for in distributed Agile team members? What is the role of managers in Agile teams? In this interview, Johanna Rothman explores Agile teams and how to manage them (including remotely)
In this video, Planisware thought leader Mike Wiebe of M.J. & Associates explains some of these challenges and what SMEs and large enterprises can learn from each other to overcome them.
Franck Bridault, a project manager from ArianeGroup, talked about the Planisware deployment project called 'SHAPER' and shared the experience of challenges and procedures.
Cost savings are high, but the lack of physical proximity for direct exchange of ideas and information among individuals can have a severe impact on teams.
When considering possible improvements to the management of the R&D portfolio, three questions are often raised: How can we improve innovation processes? How should we evaluate the productivity and ROI of R&D? And what should we do to improve them? Watch this interview with Steve Toton to learn about how such questions were tackled by DuPont, and why the company chose Planisware to support their processes.
Follow a project manager, a workpackage manager, and a department head as they assess the consequences of change requests on an engineering project's schedule and expenditures, and the program it belongs to.